Sunday, June 12, 2005

Reds game thoughts

I went to the Reds game Sat night, it was awesome as we won 10-1. Brandon Clausen went 8 innings giving up 3 hits and 1 run and took a perfect game 4 1/3 innings. Some thoughts:

I've lost a lot of respect for Rich Aurilla. His whining about losing the short stop job is ridiculous when Felipe Lopez is one of the hottest hitters in baseball and is playing good defence as well. He's not a Larkin or Concepcion yet, but time may show he can fill those shoes well.

There was a really drunk guy at the game who thought he was Chris Farley incarnate. He was trying to get people to do the wave but we weren't interested as a Reds pitcher was throwing the game of his life. He finally shut up or was shut up after an inning.

Saw a grand slam tonight hit by Felipe Lopez. I believe that's the first Grand Slam I've seen in person though I could be wrong as I've been to hundreds of games in my life and 3 this year.

The former registrar of my college (Kentucky Wesleyan) sat behind me and one of my fraternity brothers(Sig Ep) at the game. Very small world.

Finally I refuse to buy ball park food as long as they are price gouging. Last week I paid 12.75 for my meal there. I had a 1/2 lb steakburger and fries. That was 7.75, not an outrageous price as that is about what I'd pay at a sports bar. Then I ordered a Large Mountain Dew. $4.50!!!!
That should be outlawed. I'm not much for government interfeering with the market but if that is not price gouging then nothing is. Say what you want about Marge Schott but when she was owner she kept prices reasonable, both for tickets and concessions. God bless her soul.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Other stuff

Just some quick thoughts...

1) The Reds are on a win streak...though it is against the Devil Rays....
2) There is a floating redneck kareoke bar behind my house...may have to check it out.
3) I hate 90 degree weather.
4) Hi Staney!!!!! (Girlfriend's nickname, I'll have to write about that some other time).
5) Its 11:21 time for Leno, peace.

Til' Next Time

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Michael Jackson and Social Security

I was listening to Fox News Channel on XM at work today and probably heard one of the strangest things in my life. Neil Cavuto was interviewing President Bush and asked the President if he thought that Michael Jackson was distracting America's attention away from the Social Security debate. Now I am usually a fan of Cavuto but this was a stretch at best.

The reason why the President has been unsuccessful with his agenda on Social Security is complex but the one gloved wonder has nothing to do with it. The reason is the special interest groups such as the AARP, the President not being effective communicating his exact plan, and Democrats in denial that the New Deal was a bandaid and not a cure.

Social Security needs to be fixed, but we need to decide what Social Security is: a retirement program or a social welfare system. If it is a retirement program then we should move to 100% personal savings accounts much like a 401k. In a diversified program almost every working class person would be able to retire early and wealthy compared with the promise of the current social security system.

If it is a social welfare program where its sharing the wealth then we need to change the way social security taxes are taken. Employers should not have to match the employees tax but there should be no cap on income that is taxable. Also the percentage should be lowered from approx 13% to 3-5%, lowering the burden on business that should create jobs if demand is there, and lessening the burden on the middle class, though would increase taxes on the rich.

I favor 100% personal accounts into a mutual fund account, possibly managed by the government to gain Democrat votes, and scrapping the current system. At 29 years old, my copy of Thriller is more likely to be working for me than Social Security when I reach retirement.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Well I waited forever to get a cell phone

So I figured I should wait forever to get a blog. I have no clue what I'll write about here, politics, sports, etc..however I invite you to check out my radio station at the site sucks right now but is getting updated. The station kicks ass though if you like 90s and today's pop music. Well I'm out.

Til next time....